Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fast & Stupidous

* Nick * -
In a desperate attempt and flourish Igor is rushing to catch up with all the editing for our podcast.  Great indeed, and I praise him for his sudden diligence, but he seems to be way too excited with it now.  I told him, it would probably be best to at least space out the episodes a bit, but alas, as usual, he NEVER FUCKING LISTENS TO ME!  So, if any of you who are actually trying to follow, suddenly feel overwhelmed with our stupid podcast, please accept my sincere apology.  For those of you who actually found this to be a happy surprise, then feel free to express great gratitude toward Igor for he is spending what appears to be every moment of his free time in front of his computer editing these episodes.  Which ever basket you fall in, I would like to thank you for listening to the podcast and I hope you continue to listen to it, finding joy and happiness at every turn.  Hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons!  Pots of gold, and rainbows!  AND THE RED BALLOONS!  Okay, goody goodness has been drained now.  FUCK YOU ALL!

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