Monday, May 23, 2011

Sexy Phone

The Motorola cellular one mobile phone Igor used to call
the sex hotline from episode 007: Hold the Anchovies.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Igor's razor

Igor's cellphone from episode 005: How to Break a Phone.


*Nick* - Things are going quite well for us.  We're starting to get into the swing of things and Igor's editing is improving.  All in all, you can start to expect some half-way decent episodes soon, starting with the fifth one.  Oh, you're all in for a treat... and by all, I am referring to maybe the one person who probably actually listens to this... if there is even one.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Looking Better

*Nick* - Looking better, apparently my constant bitching and moaning worked.  Now that the blog looks half-way decent, I can feel at ease.

About the podcasts, I will say that we are starting to get a lot more comfortable and things are starting to feel more natural and fun.  Just stick with us and I'm sure we will get to a point where you will actually enjoy an episode... or two.

Just got to this blog on random?  Well, this is the blog for two idiots who decided to do a podcast.  Nothing special...  LISTEN TO IT NOW!  I COMMAND IT!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Holy Shit!

* Nick * (when you see this, that mean Nick is the one making the post, which won't be that often)

* Nick * - HOLY SHIT TON FUCKING BIRD DROPPINGS!  Okay, Igor has completely and utterly fucked our blog with a ten foot long spikey dildo and turned into rabid cornish hens.  Please ignore this bullshiting ass ruptured anal vessel until I verbaly abuse him into making this look presentable. Fudging dumbass

  (Previous blog layout) 

Testing Post

I'm working on the blog... can't you tell?