Friday, September 23, 2011

Burn Bin 025: Nick Takes A Trip


00:00:00 Bumper Music

00:02:15 Bill Burr

00:12:50 Analyze That

00:29:11 Opium

00:30:38 American Greed: The Black Widows

00:34:40 Epic Commercial

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Post Date Change

* Nick * -

Due to Igor's busy schedule right now, we are going to have to switch the post date of our new episodes to Friday.  If this upsets anyone then go f... yeah, you know.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Burn Bin 024: Cut Correctly


00:00:01 Bumper Music

00:11:48 Red State

00:18:01 Simon s Cat

00:31:10 Golden Voice

00:39:52 Tim Hortons

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Burn Bin 023: Jerkfest

*Igor* A long overdue post.
00:00:01 Bumper Music

 00:03:24 American Greed Season 3 Episode 17

00:15:02 Jeb Corliss 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New episode coming soon!

*Nick* -

Don't worry, we still plan on having an episode come out this week. 

Short Excuse:
Due to many complications (mainly Igor failing to keep up with his editing duties) the episode won't be coming out until Friday.

Long Excuse:
Over the weekend Igor usually gets the episode all done and finished and usually I listen to the episode on Monday while at work (which is when we see each other).  This Monday happened to be a holiday and we didn't have work, so it wasn't until Tuesday that we were able to meet.  By Tuesday though, Igor only had about 60%-70% of the podcast done for me to listen to.  I listened to it and made comments and Igor said he could have the episode done and ready to post on Wednesday morning, but as my new policy, I wanted to here a finished product before I allowed the episode to be released.  Alas, come Wednesday when Igor came in, everything still wasn't fully done, although at this point is was about 90%-95% complete.  Igor again said he could have the episode ready to post the next morning (Thursday), but I am sticking to my new policy and demand that I be able to preview the final cut before I give to okay to upload it.  This all bring us to today (Thursday).  Today hopefully Igor will be bringing me a nice clean finished copy of the episode for me to listen to and give the okay to and because we don't get out of work until 12am, it will technically be Friday, so even if Igor immediately goes home and uploads the episode, it will still be Friday.

So, to wrap things up.  Shit happened.  Episode won't be out until Friday.  We should still hopefully have our next episode ready for Tuesday (we should really just make our release day Thursday or Friday, but Igor is adamant about Tuesday, which he keeps struggling to stick to) unless Igor procrastinates on editing again.

If you've kept up with our podcast you should realize that Igor is actually busy with a lot of side work during his mornings and thus he shouldn't have to spend his only free time available to him on editing the podcast.  Don't worry, we will be giving you a delightfully wonderful episode, we are not skipping one, things are just being delayed.

I doubt many people will even ready this, thus I just spent a good amount of time writing this for no reason.  Huzzah!